Drupal 5.1

Know Base Path function for Drupal with Multilanguage (i18n version 2.1)

By BXTra |

My problem was that I want imagefield that user can click in Teaser view, then, bring user into the node. (Default without contemplate, the click will do nothing. By clicking at the title is the only option.) By wring the code in contemplate, there are 3 parts that I need to do. 1. A function to get Basepath (Ex.www.bxtra.net) 2. A function to get i18n path (Ex.en, fr, etc.) 3. A function to get node that the link will go to. It will end up like this -> http://www.bxtra.net/en/node/4

Lightbox v2 bug

By BXTra |

I found 2 modules that I want to play with my drupal. Those are Lightbox v2 and Thickbox. I installed both module at the same time and then, I ran into the problem of using contemplate to change some template setting. I couldn't create template because the box that shows "Affect Body/Teaser output" didn't show up. It showed only what I already have done. But not what I plan to make a new one. (That included if I unchecked that "Affect Body/Teaser output". After save, it was gone.)

Problem with Imagefield Module 1.1 (CCK 1.4 and 1.5)

By BXTra |

It's really annoying and almost lead me to change to use other CMS. I'm trying to upload a picture into Imagefield. It's like everytime I uploaded my picture, sometime it showed up correctly, sometime nothing showed up, but then, after I submited that page, the picture went away. That took me to try to upload one picture in a page for almost an hour.

How to handle of too short Title in Drupal

By BXTra |

It took me a while to look for what I can do to handle longer title. Here is what I did to solve the problem :

Using PHPMyAdmin, in the database under tables"Node" and "Node_revisions", you will find field "Title" with varchar set for 128. Just increase that size. Or you can change datatype to "Text".

This shouldn't be the problem for English only website but this could be a problem for any website running in other languages.