Drupal 7.3, a maintenance release which fixes security vulnerabilities is now available for download.
Drupal 7.4 also fixes other issues reported through the bug tracking system
Upgrading your existing Drupal 7 sites is strongly recommended. There are no new features in these releases. For more information about the Drupal 7.x release series, consult the Drupal 7.0 release announcement.
Drupal 7.3 only includes fixes for security issues. Drupal 7.4 also includes bugfixes. The full list of changes between the 7.2 and 7.4 releases can be found by reading the 7.4 release notes. A complete list of all bug fixes in the stable 7.x branch can be found in the git commit log.
Security vulnerabilities
Drupal 7.3 was released in response to the discovery of security vulnerabilities. Details can be found in the official security advisory:
To fix the security problem, please upgrade Drupal.
Update notes
The robots.txt file was changed in Drupal 7 to disallow crawlers from the filter tips pages.
Drupal 7.2 Release Note
The fourth maintenance release of the Drupal 7 series. Only bugfixes have been committed. No security fixes are included in this release. New features are only being added to the forthcoming Drupal 8.0 release.
This release includes the security fixes from Drupal 7.3 which was released alongside Drupal 7.4. No additional security fixes are included.
Major changes committed since Drupal 7.2 are as follows:
Changes since Drupal 7.2
Critical bug Roll-back of Issue #534594 by beejeebus, catch: This causes fatal errors from class loaders in certain modules (CTools, etc.)
Critical bug #1007830 by drunken monkey, Damien Tournoud, bfroehle: Fixed Nested transactions throw exceptions on ddl changes.
Critical bug #761648 follow-up by lyricnz: Fixed Menu D6->D7 upgrade doesn't maintain node-menu configuration.
Critical bug #1014262 by Eric_A, asimmonds: Fixed user_update_7011() completely broken (User email template tokens not upgraded).
Critical bug #1089472 by janusman, David_Rothstein: batch API finishes when >99.5% of items have been processed.
Critical bug #1029606 follow-up by catch, David_Rothstein: Fixed Regression: Not loading the .module file causes a fatal error when uninstalling some modules (as does loading it).
Critical bug: #1028092 by jbrown, chx, eojthebrave , dixon_, justinrandell, Sweetchuck: Fixed critical: Default image is not set to permanent and saved to the wrong schema.
Critical bug
#1115510 by catch, barbi, amateescu: Fixed Entity providing modules must call field_attach_delete_bundle() in hook_uninstall().
#561422 by sun, dalin, lyricnz, catch, Gerhard Killesreiter, Damien Tournoud: Replace strtr() with str_replace() for db prefixing for increased performance.
#1016582 by mfb, sun: Fixed Help block empty on every page, or the same on every page, due to 'cache per role'.
#961584 by james.elliott, mgifford, ximo: Fixed 'Skip to main content' link doesn't work in Overlay for Bartik or Stark.
#1081068 by wojtha, bfroehle, Heine: Fixed drupal_http_request() inconsistent redirect_url().
#1169426 by plach, fietserwin, sun: Fixed Field invoke multiple does not handle field language correctly.
#647964 by jergason, bfroehle, Damien Tournoud, corbacho, Pancho: Fixed Running cron does not check for available updates.
#1137848 by BrockBoland, tim.plunkett, jensimmons: Disallow /filter/tips page from search engines.
#504506 by andypost, Gábor Hojtsy: Fixed Drupal.formatPlural incorrectly handle complex plural rules.
Additional test coverage.
Numerous documentation fixes.
User Interface Text Changes
The following changes impact translators:
Issue #1047920 by wojtha: Fixed String in system admin - @count is required in $plural.
Issue #885616 by mgifford, Everett Zufelt: Fixed Labels missing from a number of locale admin forms.
Issue #1038030by yched: Fixed More accurate error handling in EntityFieldQuery : non-existing field.
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