Drupal 7.1 and 6.21, maintenance releases which fix security vulnerabilities are now available for download.
Drupal 7.2 and 6.22 also fix other issues reported through the bug tracking system.
Drupal 7.1 only includes fixes for security issues. Drupal 7.2 also includes bugfixes. The full list of changes between the 7.0 and 7.2 releases can be found by reading the 7.2 release notes. A complete list of all bug fixes in the stable 7.x branch can be found in the git commit log.
Drupal 6.21 only includes fixes for security issues. Drupal 6.22 also includes bugfixes. The full list of changes between the 6.20 and 6.22 releases can be found by reading the 6.22 release notes. A complete list of all bug fixes in the stable 6.x branch can be found at git commit log.
Security vulnerabilities
Drupal 7.1 and 6.21 were released in response to the discovery of security vulnerabilities. Details can be found in the official security advisory:
To fix the security problem, please upgrade Drupal. We made two versions of both Drupal 7 and 6 available, so you can choose to only include security fixes (Drupal 7.1 and 6.21 respectively) or security fixes and bugfixes (Drupal 7.2 and 6.22). You can choose your preferred version. We are trying to make it easier and quicker to roll out security updates by making security-only releases available as well as ones with bugfixes included. We hope this helps you roll out the fixes as soon as possible.
Update notes
The .htaccess file was changed in Drupal 7.2 to allow for simpler server configuration, while the (default.)settings.php just got a minor documentation fix that should not affect any copies. The robots.txt file did not change in Drupal 7.
The robots.txt file was changed in Drupal 6.22 to allow crawlers to index the contact page. The .htaccess and (default.)settings.php files were not changed in Drupal 6.
Drupal 7.2 Release Note
The second maintenance release of the Drupal 7 series. Only bugfixes have been committed. No security fixes are included in this release. New features are only being added to the forthcoming Drupal 8.0 release.
This release includes the security fixes from Drupal 7.1 which was released alongside Drupal 7.2. No additional security fixes are included.
The complete list of changes committed since Drupal 7.0 are as follows:
Get CHANGELOG.txt caught up to speed with changes in Drupal 6 and Drupal 5 in the past three years.
#1137074 by plach, Jose Reyero: notices and wrong links on translation tab for unpublished nodes.
#1021270 by larowlan, wojtha: Fixed Blocks for custom menus are impossible to theme.
#1096340 by plach, fietserwin, sun: Fixed Stale language types/negotation info after enabling/disabling modules.
#1019352 by Jody Lynn: delete blog module's variable on hook_uninstall().
#1019292 by TR, Jody Lynn: remove random nbsp characters.
Merge branch '7.x' of git.drupal.org:project/drupal into 7.x
#1164226 by TR: token_find_with_prefix() has typos, token.inc not up to doc standards.
#1154822 by lyricnz, Starminder: Fixed User Schema mismatch after upgrade D6 to D7.
#1154820 by lyricnz, marcingy, Starminder: Fixed System Schema mismatch after upgrade D6 to D7.
#1154812 by lyricnz, Starminder: Fixed Poll Schema mismatch after upgrade D6 to D7.
#1154808 by lyricnz, Starminder: Fixed Node Schema mismatch after upgrade D6 to D7.
#1154802 by lyricnz, Starminder: Fixed Block Schema mismatch after upgrade D6 to D7.
#1154806 by lyricnz, marcingy, Starminder: Fixed Comment Schema mismatch after upgrade D6 to D7.
#1089174 follow-up by plach: Fix notices and expand tests.
#1017832 by benjifisher, droplet, aspilicious, tim.plunkett, johnv, Jeff Burnz: fieldset CSS for node forms needs to be more specific.
#1120412 by skwashd: comment_save() doesn't support additional columns added by hook_schema_alter().
Merge branch '7.x' of git.drupal.org:project/drupal into 7.x
#1078980 by plach: language neutral not available when there are disabled languages.
#1038788 by wojtha, sign: drupal_find_theme_functions() removes all theme 'prefix_' occurences.
#1013864 by agentrickard, JimmyAx: book navigation block fails with Node Access modules.
#1096446 by plach: Fixed entity_label() is not passing along the () parameter.
Rollback of #1076366. This is not quite ready to go yet, because it depends on another issue (#1120290).
#1089174 by plach: Fixed Prepare view hooks do not receive the language parameter.
#1001146 by edhaber, droplet: Fixed Cannot theme links in a menu when menu_name() contains a hyphen.
#1105848 by cafuego: Fixed Unsafe query comments possible via UI.
#999004 by pillarsdotnet, fago, sun, marcingy: user_save() relies on edit instead of account.
#1017672 by catch, q0rban: Fixed D6 to D7 update process permanently deletes comment bodies and other data, and throws fatal SQL errors.
Rolled back.
#784856 by dmitrig01: menu_get_names() is dead code, remove it.
#1132364 by CrookedNumber, David_Rothstein: hook_modules_enabled() could be less ambiguous.
#1149002 by droplet, hansfn: 'Machine name' not translatable on the content type overview page .
#705912 by jherencia, bleen18: template_preprocess_node() makes an useless comprobation.
#1158730 by TR: documentation problem with hook_user_load().
#843162 by pwolanin, Scott Falconer, Berdir, jhodgdon, a.mikheychik, mtift: creating vocabularies with machine-names 'List' or 'Add' breaks links in taxonomy overview admin area. .
#1157426 by Gábor Hojtsy: field system uses t() incorrectly and inconsistently.
#1119158 by skwashd: Added user_role_save() doesn't implement a presave hook.
#1149912 by grendzy, sun: recent comments block displays old, out-of-order comments.
#1034248 by jhodgdon, drewish, jn2: hook_block_view() example should return a render array.
#876282 by tim.plunkett, amateescu: small layout glitch on 'Password match' line during installation.
#1150340 by aspilicious: CSS gradient background doesn't work with newest opera and IE versions.
#988030 by mr.baileys, linclark: document correct sequence of hooks in node deletion.
#759844 by jpmckinney, dixon_, plach, ksenzee, fabsor, pillarsdotnet: overlay does not work with prefixed URL paths.
#802856 by catch, pillarsdotnet: make lock_wait() wait less.
#936844 by bleen18: cannot override comment author to or from Anonymous.
#843162 by pwolanin, Scott Falconer, Berdir, jhodgdon, a.mikheychik, mtift: creating vocabularies with machine-names 'List' or 'Add' breaks links in taxonomy overview admin area.
#834848 by Berdir: warning message regarding hook_update_last_removed() is not displayed.
#1029606 by fago, bojanz, Damien Tournoud: hook_menu() should not be called during uninstallation.
#1060246 by plach: translation alters language switch links even if node translation is disabled.
#690544 by bleen18, andypost, marcvangend, dbeheydt, rschwab, robertom: blocks admin (admin/structure/block) requires menu_rebuild() to display settings for current theme.
#761648 by lyricnz, andypost, ksenzee, Jody Lynn, Gábor Hojtsy, Damien Tournoud, Shawn DeArmond, David_Rothstein: menu items disappear after upgrade or manual menu entry.
Merge branch '7.x' of git.drupal.org:project/drupal into 7.x
Hm. Rollback of previous patch. I think I just broke testbot. NOOB.
Merge branch '7.x' of git.drupal.org:project/drupal into 7.x
#1017672 by catch, q0rban: D6 to D7 update process permanently deletes comment bodies and other data, and throws fatal SQL errors.
#534594 by catch, Frando: add registry_rebuild() to update.php.
#1076366 by wojtha: OpenID discovery spec violation - fragments are removed from claimed id .
#1017672 by catch, q0rban: D6 to D7 update process permanently deletes comment bodies and other data, and throws fatal SQL errors.
#1003308 by andypost: further forum module fix.
#958850 by bellHead: Postgres password containing backslashes don't work.
#1076414 by wojtha, c960657: Openid discovery - OpenID v1 OP service with lower priority is chosen instead OpenID v2 Claimed id service.
#1055234 by jhodgdon, linclark: field_bundle_settings() doc example is wrong.
#1024684 by linclark: omit & in @param statements (for consistency).
#796692 by dman, cross, andypost, aaronbauman, yched, BarisW: only show the term heading if the term has a description.
#1060304 by plach: misleading help text for the translation support settings.
#1086066 by drewish, Mile23: get_t() should describe what it does and why.
#852120 by cygri: batch operations example doesn't do proper sanitizing.
#1063046 by guidocecilio, linclark: hook_requirements() API documentation needs doc on 'update' phase.
#1051870 by boombatower: remove unused variable initialization.
#1099396 by Désiré, droplet, plach: language_count() is never decremented when removing a language.
#711650 by marcvangend, cha0s: when index.php appears in the URL (or is automatically added by the server) users get a 'page not found' message.
#1139638 by DamZ: the SQLite driver cannot update a column to NULL.
#61856 by bfroehle, jredding, andypost, blakehall, Pancho: in user.module, trim() user-submitted email address before validation.
#716348 by mikey_p: fixed description.
#1097538 by davidtrainer: update drupal_set_message() docs.
#1067806 by starsinmypockets: _field_info_prepare_instance() calls, but does not use, field_info_field_types().
#917492 by kvanderw, rfay, claar, Bok Choy: add a sensible .gitignore file.
#817482 by Stevel, bfroehle: user_save() issues a warning when saving without changing mail attribute.
#908282 by jbrown, pillarsdotnet: add width and height attributes to increase front-end performance.
#1003308 by bfroehle: Fix upgrade path for Forum module by hard-coding vocabulary machine name (with tests).
#1111288 by yched: Fix file permissions on field_ui tests.
#1110810 by JohnAlbin, TR: CVS $ tag lurks in .htaccess file (and other dank corners of Drupal).
#733192 by pillarsdotnet, Sutharsan, Letharion, clemens.tolboom: tokens enclosed in [ ] are not recognized.
#1032024 by grendzy: comment_form_submit() overwrites author/visitor cookie when moderating/administering comments.
#1008410 by droplet: forum list header sorting broken.
#183435 by gregmac, TR: drupal_http_request() and malformed responses.
#1122880 by jn2: DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions has incorrect php.net link.
#1111288 by droplet: wrong instance definition in field_ui().test.
#1107384 by droplet: wrong instance definition in node.module.
#1126370 by kim-day, jn2: menu_link_save() needs more detail.
#1097538 by davidtrainer: update drupal_set_message() docs.
#1026058 by plach, droplet add back Language switcher block help message.
#1132364 by CrookedNumber: hook_modules_enabled() could be less ambiguous.
#965272 by larowlan, bellHead, TR: items defined with type MENU_CALLBACK show 'Home' as a title.
#1048006 by jyyna, wojtha, David_Rothstein: name of vocabulary (Tags) created during install cannot be localized.
#919596 by boombatower: -MultiViews in .htaccess requires odd AllowOverride Options=All,MultiViews.
#984456 by Dave Reid, bfroehle: cleanup file_field_widget_uri() and its token replacement.
#1096842 by nanotube: typo in EntityFieldQuery documentation.
#1127312 by niklas: undefined variable items in theme_user_list() when displaying empty user/new block.
#1043552: fixed typo in comment inside theme_disable().
#1043566: fixed typo on BlockAdminThemeTestCase description.
#545518 by bfroehle: move Locale module specific code out of module.inc and system.module.
#1066118 by Barrett: hook_field_widget_form() has punctuation error.
#1107376 by jhedstrom: weight not a property of a field instance, so doc shouldn't say it is.
#1110064 by jeffschuler: two @defgroup comment fixes.
#1095498 by ohnobinki: toolbar toggle link rendered without escaping ampersand as an html entity.
#766624 by aspilicious: dashboard lacks rtl styling.
#766624 by aspilicious: dashboard lacks rtl styling.
#1017882 by Gábor Hojtsy: required elements buggy with #states.
#1118502 by pwolanin: path module should use a different weight than search module on admin/config.
#1120928 by catch: {history} table is owned by system module.
#1012768 by agentrickard: fire hook_menu_link_delete() before removing the data row.
#1023190 by Berdir: wrong merge query in aggregator_save_item().
#839556 by dalin, jrchamp, effulgentsia, dmitrig01, David_Rothstein: fix isset regression in tablesort, add tests, and cleanup theme_process_registry().
#999538 by Josh The Geek: default.settings.php still refers to 'aggressive caching'.
#1031148 by Berdir: select-all checkbox is not added when updating a table with #ajax.
#985982 by iLLin: overlay resizes toolbar after closing.
#935258 by Stevel, Josh Waihi: defaults not changed in changeField on postgresql.
#998612 by longwave: drupal_render() doesn't render 0 when set into #markup property.
#1062370 by mikeryan: vocabulary machine_name() length limited to 21, in UI only.
#1032024 by grendzy: comment_form_submit() overwrites author/visitor cookie when moderating/administering comments.
#1037358 by sanduhrs, Azol: locale.datepicker.js minor fixes (js consistency).
#1099254 by hansfn: typo in modules/system/system.admin.inc.
#897140 by fgm: system.methodSignature returns incorrect and incomplete data.
#1120698 by skwashd, Dave Reid: typo in MAINTAINERS.txt.
#1065020 by Berdir: fixed E_STRICT warning when downloading/viewing a file or image.
#733306 by atchijov, carlos8f: add static caching for drupal_parse_info_file().
#1075886 by franz: typo on help text.
#598586 by grendzy, deekayen: watchdog() assumes is defined.
#608478 by David_Rothstein: remove leftover code and variables
#1050686 by David_Rothstein: theme region names are no longer translated.
#722920 by andypost: slightly optimize the block upgrade path.
#1110862 by Reidsy: remove reference to search-theme-form.tpl.php in search.module.
#1089430 by manarth: improved code comment.
#749992 by jhodgdon: menu system / menu module distinction is not obvious to folks new to Drupal.
#988318 by jhodgdon: translation_form_node_form_alter() doc says it implements the wrong hook.
#1106528 by joachim: field_attach_form_validate() documentation indentation is incorrect.
#1106636 by pwolanin: use system_get_info() API function instead of unserializing from DB to get module names.
#1105384 by claar: system_admin_menu_block_page() description not one line.
#1021406 by ygerasimov: fixed typo in documentation
#1037352 by David_Rothstein: clarified usage of 'warning' parameter.
#1097972 by boombatower: Fixed hook_field_extra_fields_display_alter() incorrect example code.
#1041440 by jhodgdon: hook_cron() falsely claims it will only be called if cron.php is run.
#1041902 by jhodgdon: hook_entity_info() doc header has a couple of omissions.
#1037352 by jhodgdon: hook_permission() is missing doc about 'warning'.
#1082624 by Barrett: hook_form() doc references example project and shouldn't in D7/8.
#1031692 by jhodgdon: entity_load() doc should not say to use for more than one load only.
#1022924 by yched, chx: Fixed critical bug: Updates are broken for deleted fields in installs upgraded from rc1.
#1087092 by danillonunes: Fix documentation for drupal_map_assoc() function
#1065968 by droplet: fixed function node_get_recent().
#1076394 by pillarsdotnet: improved test code.
#1071494 by Takafumi: typo in menu.module.
Stripping CVS keywords
#1064212 by catch: page caching performance has regressed by 30-40%.
#1068184 by bfroehle: _openid_get_math_library() should not use drupal_static().
#1067662 by mfb: optimize file_uri_scheme().
#1059184 by yched: warnings in list_update_7001 (edge cases).
#545518 by sun, Xano: move Locale module specific code out of module.inc and system.module.
#953010 by steinmb, droplet: locale.css causes vertical tabs to overlap the language selection drop-down menu in node edit forms.
#1067980 by Takafumi, Damien Tournoud: missing t() in image.admin.inc.
#1051164 by betz: remove unnecessary ['submitted'] override in template.php.
#1006838 by coltrane: upgrade to 7 glaring timezone invalid notice.
#1062616 by benanderson: failed integration with Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES).
Rollback of accidentical commit #1064882.
#1024806 by Jody Lynn: Fixed dblog_uninstall() needed.
#1025372 by rschwa: hook_block_info() should document max length of delta/array key.
#880278 by RoboPhred: cleanup _locale_import_read_po().
#892864 by pwolanin, pounard: remove drupal_static() in _drupal_bootstrap_full().
#1019596 by RoboPhred: field_read_instance() doc says it will not return deleted instance, but that is a parameter option.
#1020906 by RoboPhred: differentiate process/preprocess hook documentation.
#942006 by jhodgdon, heyrocker: documentation for drupal_write_record() doesn't state what happens to missing values on existing records.
#1014130 by catch, carlos8f, David_Rothstein: install_profile_info() does a file system scan on every request to admin/config (and etc.).
#1051184 by mr.baileys: fix doxygen formatting and punctuation in documentation for drupal_parse_info_file().
#1063178 by Haza: line break filter will ignore everything following a xxx.
#1058762 by montesq: hook_user_delete doc has wrong order of operations
#1064264 by rfray: get the tests ready for the Great Git Migration.
#847324 by jhodgdon, yang_yi_cn: fix formatting of documentation.
#1056108 by 1V: consistent use of 'JavaScript' and 'Ajax'.
#1046784 by Dave Reid: strings in simpletest_requirements() are not using ().
#1042706 by 1V: clean up INSTALL.txt and update links.
#1052364 by agentrickard: documentation error in hook_modules_uninstalled().
#1049528 by sreynen: change script example for drupal_parse_info_file() from .css to .js.
#859602 by catch, bfroehle: #cache does not record the #attached declared in child elements.
##1041474 by 1V: Fixed INSTALL.pgsql.txt and INSTALL.mysql.txt cleanup of various grammatical errors.
#1020642 by amateescu: improved coding standards for toolbar.css.
#1031686 by rschwab: User_load() documentation should reference drupal_save_session(), not session_save_session().
#1027578 by droplet: missing period in the documentation for drupal_convert_to_utf8().
#1045606 by droplet, montesq: hook_block_info() doc should use visibility constants.
#1029346 by David_Rothstein: Changed INSTALL.txt and UPGRADE.txt should mention that you can download Drupal as a .zip file also.
#1025124 by catch, jbrown: remove cruft from theme_image_style() and image_style_url(). Should be faster too.
#1049116 by solotandem, David_Rothstein: module_enable() doesn't account for version strings in dependencies[].
#1049144 by boombatower: remove unnecessary return statements.
#933498 by eojthebrave, aaron: image effects table created with incorrect table name in upgrade path.
#1019710 by stephenh: Changed Standardize @file comments in .test files.
#1051038 by mr.baileys: incorrect return info on image_style_create_derivative().
#690980 by Dave Reid, grendzy, cwgordon7: Security hardening: Ensure password fields are empty on display.
#321063 by eMPee584, Kars-T: Fixed book/export/html/N with a non-book nid should abort and return 404 not found.
#932584 by duellj: Fixed Forum has two 'select' options
#1022172 by montesq: Fixed Missing return in example hook_menu code
#1027454 by amateescu, montesq, jhodgdon: Fixed _aggregator_parse_opml() documentation contains escaped HTML tags that should be removed.
#1029358 by benjifisher: Fixed blockquote messes up ol lists in Bartik.
#934726 by yched, jinglemansweep: Fixed Undefined index: taxonomy_term in taxonomy_field_formatter_view()
#740182 follow-up: Committing new shortcut.png image.
#1024608 by yched: Move help text setting above field-specific settings on field UI page.
#1026654 by amateescu: Fix regression with background colours in Bartik maintenance page.
#1019834 by bfroehle: Fixed No .info files reported on theme upload when zip created with certain programs
#936620 by reglogge, aspilicious: Fixed Vertical tabs broken in Seven theme for RTL
#1038934 by tsi: Add missing RTL styling for system messages.
#1040190 by 1V: Fix typo in comment for cookie_domain in settings.php
#789186 follow-up by eojthebrave: Better documentation for drupalPostAJAX()
#1041484 by 1V: INSTALL.sqlite.txt cleanup of documentation.
#1041512 by 1V: Add .zip mention in README.txt.
#932426 by duellj: Fix second file uploaded is displayed when display option is unchecked.
#1018714 by effulgentsia: Fixed Image Upload Widget Not Working in IE8
#1036718 by montesq: incorrect watchdog log messages.
#1036246 by Jody Lynn: typo in ajax.inc comment.
#1024898 by ilo, amateescu: wrong definition of Bartik's fieldset description in css.
#1016930 by joachim: too much space above vertical tabs fieldsets.
#1001624 by pillarsdotnet: avoid 'Undefined index' notice in field_info_max_weight() function of modules/field/field.info.inc.
#1037416 by Jody Lynn: typos in user-picture.tpl comment.
#1027630 by jhodgdon: unclear documentation for 'custom' and 'locked' attributes for content type.
#488062 by David_Rothstein: fixed some broken English.
#973328 by gopherspidey, amateescu: special characters are encoded twice in taxonomy term title.
#1024840 by Jody Lynn: whitespace fixes for field module.
#1027762 by droplet: remove non necessary space.
#740182 by aspilicious, tsi, yoroy, casey, realityloop, Jeff Burnz: toolbar and shortcuts lack RTL styling.
#1014708 by bfroehle, thekevinday: hook_field_read_field() reference parameter problem.
#460448 follow-up by ridgerunner: Further optimize CSS aggregation regex.
#1015012 by sun: Fix URL filter so that it recognizes valid URLs with # in them, e.g. twitter.
#488062 by catch, walkah, spiderman, paul.lovvik, klausi: speed up OpenID by using GMP instead of BCMath if available.
#1015150 by redndahead: clean-up 'getsize' remnants since it has been removed.
#997884 by jhodgdon: improved t() documentation.
#1019922 by Jody Lynn: corrections to the comment_access() function description.
#674352 by jersu: correct variable name.
#1016458 by Jody Lynn: code style cleanup of aggregator.module.
#1015650 by droplet: use of example domain(s) in CHANGELOG.txt.
#971812 by mfb: aggregator should interpret Atom entry id as equivalent to RSS item guid.
#930000 by jhodgdon, bleen18: show(), hide(), and render() documentation is misleading.
#375064 by c960657, catch: Performance: Multilanguage checking on admin/content/node slow.
#1023742 by pillarsdotnet: remove cruft from user_save().
#1014762 by jhodgdon: hook_entity_info() documentation outdated.
#924982 by swentel: alignment of dashboard block titles.
#1021724 by droplet: documentation problem with forum-icon.tpl.php.
#1022426 by bfroehle: _registry_update() invalid arguments to ->rollback().
#1001242 follow-up by bfroehle, Steven Jones: Fix EXISTS tests for SQLite and PostgreSQL.
Back to 7.0-dev
Drupal 6.22 Release Note
The twentysecond maintenance release of the Drupal 6 series. Only bugfixes have been committed. No security fixes are included in this release. New features are only being added to the forthcoming Drupal 8.0 release.
This release includes the security fixes from Drupal 6.21 which was released alongside Drupal 6.22. No additional security fixes are included.
The complete list of changes committed since Drupal 6.20 are as follows:
#113611 by crischan, jjrey, JuliaKM, salvis, Offlein: Forum post counts incorrect when using node access control modules
#321063 by eMPee584, Kars-T, pillarsdotnet: Path book/export/html/N with a non-book nid should abort and return 404 not found.
#235673 by yched, Damien Tournoud, swentel, pwolanin, redndahead, sun, carlos8f, c960657: Changes to block caching mode not caught
#384794 by trond, mvc, alduya, intuited, jaydublu, jhedstrom: trim() .po file comments on import, so that custom textgroup imports will find their right database equivalent
#163445 by webengr, mlsamuelson, greg.1.anderson, pescetti: fix issues with IE not being able to download private files served over SSL with additional headers
#118108 by Chris Johnson, cburschka, bleen18: remove node_access table entries when a node is deleted to avoid leftover cruft
#632080 by donquixote, mathieu, jonhattan, andypost: clone return values from _system_theme_data(), so modules careless about lack of object copies will not overwrite the system level cached values
#107051 by webchick, gdevlugt, vladimir.dolgopolov, swentel, Dave Reid, tuffnatty, zyware, crifi, tobiasb: Fix for users showing multiple times in the who's online block
#292790 by ag888, kjay, mr.baileys, recidive, malc0mn, jonathan1055, null: fix menu machine name validation form API constuct, so we don't need to validate it with custom code
#307636 follwup by quicksketch: fix to make image_get_info() on IIS work better had a variable name typo before; now fix that
#1093352 by ohnobinki: fix invalid HTML entity in batch.inc
#905576 by droplet, idflood, tim.plunkett: /contact should not be blocked from search engines
#335621 by Dave Reid, jrguitar21, jhodgdon: fix PHP strict warning by initializing object in template_preprocess_block_admin_display_form()
#977174 by AlexisWilke: Fix minor HTML validity issue in update.php when generating list of results
#690358 by sbrattla, jhodgdon, nenne: overhaul file_check_directory() documentation due to various issues
#1013986 by disturbedmime, jhodgdon: fix unfinished sentence in file_validate_extensions()
#480152 by jhodgdon: filter_filter() docs were incorrect and outdated
#470198 by figaro, ashmiler: fix small typo in menu item description for admin/build/menu
#519362 by mfb, bfoehle: Resolve dc:creator tag as the item author if author tag is not set in aggregator module.
#1105384 by claar: fix system_admin_menu_block_page() first doc line
#1087092 by danillonunes, drewish: fix a tiny misues of @result in drupal_map_assoc() documentation
#1089332 by jeffschuler: fix misuse of @see in db_add_field() documentation
#1103938 by kiamlaluno, jhodgdon, jeffschuler: fix misues of @name in various include files and document theme.inc constants better
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